User Manual
Doc-To-Help Standard Manual
by Robelle Solutions Technology Inc.
Program and manual copyright © 1977-2022
Robelle Solutions Technology Inc.
Permission is granted to reprint this
document (but not for profit), provided that copyright notice is given.
Updated January 8, 2019
Qedit and Suprtool are trademarks of
Robelle Solutions Technology Inc. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft
Corporation. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the
trademarks of their respective owners.
Robelle Solutions Technology Inc.
7360 – 137 Street, Suite 372
Surrey, B.C. Canada V3W 1A3
Phone: 604.501.2001
Fax: 604.501.2003
Welcome to Qedit 11
Introduction. 11
Documentation. 12
Manual 12
Documentation. 12
Additional Software. 12
Qcat 12
Qaccess. 13
Compare. 13
Notation. 13
Highlights 15
Highlights In Version 6.4. 15
Highlights In Version 6.3. 15
In Version 6.2. 15
In Version 6.1. 15
Highlights In Version 6.0. 15
Highlights In Version 5.9. 16
Installing Qedit/UX 17
General Installation Notes. 17
Who Should Use These Instructions?. 17
Summary of Installation Steps. 17
Step 1: Log On as Root 17
Step 2: Create Robelle Directory. 18
Step 3: Restore Files. 18
Step 4: Set Up PATH (Optional) 18
Step 5: Start the Qedit for Windows Server
(optional) 18
Getting a Quick Start with HP Full-Screen Editing 21
Introduction. 21
Starting Visual Mode. 22
Screen Layout 23
Home Line. 24
Status Line. 24
Text Lines. 24
Template Line. 24
Special Indicator Columns. 25
Using Your Keyboard. 25
Moving the Cursor 25
Editing the Text Lines. 26
Control Functions. 26
Reflection for DOS Keyboards. 27
Other PC Keyboards. 27
Function Keys. 28
Browsing Through Your File. 29
Cut-and-Paste. 30
Cutting Operations. 30
Pasting Operations. 31
Resetting Cut-and-Paste. 31
Copying a Block of Text 31
Cut-and-Paste Between Files. 32
Dividing and Gluing Operations. 33
Dividing Lines in Visual Mode. 33
Gluing Lines in Visual Mode. 33
Excluding Lines From Visual Mode Display. 34
Justifying Lines in Visual Mode. 34
Renumbering Lines. 35
Inserting Blank Lines. 35
Hold Files. 35
Marking Changes Without Using Line Numbers. 35
Paste from a Non-Qedit File. 36
Home Line Commands. 36
Finding Strings. 37
Changing Strings. 37
Help on Visual Mode. 37
Formatting Paragraphs. 38
Undoing Changes in Visual Mode. 38
Refreshing the Screen. 38
Other Line Mode Commands. 39
Truncated Home Line. 39
Exit from Visual 39
Getting a Quick Start with VT Full-Screen Editing 41
Introduction. 41
Home and End keys. 41
Starting Screen Mode. 42
Troubleshooting. 42
Screen Layout 42
Status Line. 43
Text Lines. 43
Message Line. 43
Using Your Keyboard. 44
Moving the Cursor 44
Editing the Text Lines. 45
Control Functions. 46
Browsing Through Your File. 46
Cut-and-Paste. 47
Resetting Cut-and-Paste. 47
Copying a Block of Text 47
Splitting and Joining Lines. 48
Getting a Quick Start with Line Mode Editing 49
Introduction. 49
Adding Lines to a File. 49
Looking at the File. 50
Browsing the File. 51
Searching the File. 51
Editing Lines. 52
Global Changes. 54
Copying Lines. 55
Moving Lines. 55
Deleting Lines. 56
Help Command. 56
Saving the File. 57
Open and Shut for Instant Access. 57
Running Qedit under HP-UX 59
Running Qedit 59
Visual Mode for HP Terminals. 59
Screen Mode for VT Terminals. 60
Edit Several Files at Once. 60
How to Edit Several Files?. 61
Starting a New Scratch File. 61
Configuring Different Shells. 61
Bourne and Korn Shells. 61
C Shell 62
Setting Up a PATH for Qedit 62
Bourne and Korn Shells. 62
C Shell 63
Control Characters and stty. 63
Qeditmgr Configuration Files. 63
Default Set Commands. 64
On-Line vs. Batch Access. 64
Command Line Options. 64
Initial Command Line: -ccmdstring. 65
Editing a Single File: -s. 65
Exit with Verify:
-v. 65
"Discard Changes?" on Exit 65
HP-UX Notes. 66
EDITOR Variable. 66
Scratch File. 66
Hold Files. 67
Shell Commands. 67
Shell Command History. 68
Tab Stops. 69
Hardcoded File Names. 69
/opt/robelle/qeditmgr 69
$HOME/.qeditmgr 70
/opt/robelle/help/qedit 70
Visual Mode. 70
Variables that Drive Qedit 70
Setting Variables in Your Shell 71
RCRTMODEL Variable. 71
RPCVERSION Variable. 74
RCRTWIDTH Variable. 75
Function Key Labels. 75
RCRTSTRAPSGH for Handshaking. 75
QEDCURWFILE Variable. 76
ROBELLE Environment Variable. 77
Converting Qedit Files with qcat 78
Differences Between MPE and HP-UX.. 78
Open/Shut 78
Current "*" File Name. 78
Missing Features. 78
Qedit for Microsoft Windows 81
Introduction. 81
Server Process. 81
HP-UX 10.0. 81
Port Number 83
Log Files. 83
Console Messages. 83
Access Log. 84
Error Log. 84
Trace Log. 84
Log File Names. 84
Qedit Issues and Solutions 87
Running Qedit with Reflection. 87
Alt-Y vs. :Reflect 87
Form Feed Causing Return/Line Feed. 88
Completion Codes. 88
Controlling the PC.. 88
Accidental Exit from Reflection. 88
Changing the Exit Keystroke. 89
Files without NewLine Characters. 90
Lines, Strings and Ranges. 91
Qedit Commands 93
Introduction. 93
General Notes. 93
Abbreviations. 93
Uppercase or Lowercase. 94
Multiple Commands per Line. 94
Comments on Command Lines. 94
Stopping Commands with Control-Y.. 95
Implicit Commands. 95
Function Keys. 95
Shell Commands. 96
Calculator Commands. 96
Add Command [A] 97
Add (Adding New Lines) 97
Add (Adding a String as a Line) 99
Add (Copying Lines within a File) 99
Add (Moving Lines within a File) 100
Add (Copying Lines Between Files) 101
Append Command [AP] 103
Backward Command [BA/F5] 104
Before Command [B] 105
CD Command [CD] 107
Change Command [C] 108
Change (Changing Strings) 108
Change (Changing Columns) 111
Close Command [CL] 113
Colcopy Command
[COL] 114
Colmove Command
[COLM] 117
Delete Command [D] 120
Destroy Command [DES] 122
Divide Command [DI] 123
:Do Command [DO] 124
Exit Command [E/F8] 125
Find Command [F/F4] 126
Findup Command [FINDU/F3] 128
Form Command
[FORM] 129
Forward Command [FO/F6] 130
Garbage Command [GAR] 131
Glue Command [G] 132
Help Command [H/?] 133
Hold Command [HO] 134
Justify Command [J] 136
Keep Command [K] 143
List Command [L] 147
:Listredo Command [LISTREDO/F7] 160
:Listundo Command [LISTU] 161
LS Command [LS] 162
Lsort Command [LSO] 163
Merge Command [ME] 164
Modify Command [M] 166
New Command [N] 179
Open Command [O] 180
Proc Command [P] 184
Q Command [Q] 185
:Redo Command [REDO] 186
:Reflect Command [REFLECT] 188
Renumber Command [REN] 190
Replace Command [R] 191
Set Command [S] 192
Account 194
Alias. 194
Autocont 196
Check. 197
Decimal 197
DL size. 198
Editinput 198
Expandtabs. 199
Extentsize. 199
Extprog. 199
Filename. 200
Halfbright 200
Hints. 201
Hppath. 201
Increment 201
Interactive. 201
Justify. 202
Keep. 202
Language. 205
Left 208
Length. 209
Lib. 209
Limits. 209
List 210
Maxdata. 210
Modify. 210
Open. 213
Pattern. 213
Priority. 214
Prompt 214
Redo. 214
Right 216
RL file name. 216
Shift 216
Spell 216
Statistics. 217
Stringdelimiters. 217
Tabs. 218
Term.. 219
Text 219
Totals. 221
UDC.. 222
Undo. 222
Varsub. 222
Visual 224
Warnings. 237
Whichcomp. 237
Window.. 237
Work. 238
Wraparound. 240
X.. 240
Zip. 245
Shut Command [SH] 246
Spell Command [SP] 247
Text Command [T] 248
Undo Command [UN] 254
Up Command [UP/F2] 256
Use Command [U] 257
Verify Command [V] 258
Visual Command [VI/F1] 259
Words Command [W] 262
Zave Command [Z] 263
ZZ Command. 264
Calculator Command [=] 265
Troubleshooting and Error Messages 269
Introduction. 269
Messages. 269
Quit Errors. 272
Errors in Visual 272
Using Visual with X.25. 272
Using Visual on HP-UX.. 272
Terminals Supported by Visual 272
Problems with 700/9x Terminals. 273
Visual Error Messages. 273
File Formats 277
Introduction. 277
Qedit Workfiles. 277
Original Format Workfiles. 277
Jumbo Workfiles. 278
External Files. 279
Regular Expressions 283
Introduction. 283
Metacharacters. 283
Character Class. 285
Escape Character 287
Escaped Sequences in Regular Expressions. 288
Backreferences in Regular Expressions. 289
Escaped Characters in Replacement String. 290
Qedit Glossary 291
Introduction. 291
Terms. 291
Abbreviating. 291
Batch. 291
Calculator 292
Column. 292
Command. 293
Control Character 293
CRT. 294
Current Line. 294
Defaults. 294
External File. 294
File Names. 295
Full-Screen Editing. 295
Hold File. 295
J Option. 296
Jumbo Files. 296
Keep File. 296
Language. 296
Left 297
Length. 297
Line. 297
Linenum.. 297
Margins. 298
Memory Lock. 298
Patterns. 299
Quiet-Q Option. 300
Range. 300
Rangelist 300
Relative Line Numbers. 302
Right 302
Shifting. 303
String. 303
Tab. 303
Template-T Option. 304
Visual Editing. 304
Window.. 304
Workfile. 305
Special Characters. 306
? Means Help, Nonprinting Characters,
Alphanumeric (in Patterns) or Optional (in Regexp) 306
$ Means Hex, Memory Lock, List Option, Previous
File or End-Of-Line (in Regexp) 306
^ Means Findup, Control-Char, Start-of-line (in
Regexp) or Negate (in Regexp) 307
. Means Nonprinting, Reset, Decimal Point or Any Character
(in Regexp) 308
! Means Shell Script or Too Long. 308
% Means Octal or String. 308
* Means Current, Refresh, Multiply or Quantifier
(in Regexp) 308
\ Means Previous, String, Literal Match (in
Regexp) or Special Characters (in Regexp) 309
/ Means Prompt, Range Delimiter, Stop, Exit, or
Divide. 310
[ Means FIRST, [default] or Start Class (in
Regexp) 310
] Means LAST or End Class (in Regexp) 311
{ } Are for Comments or Indentation. 311
@ Means ALL.. 311
& Means Literal Match. 312
: Means Shell Commands or String. 312
; Means Multiple Commands. 312
, Means a List 313
= Means Copy or Calculate. 313
< Means Move, I/O Redirection or Backward Page. 313
> Means Forward Page, I/O Redirection, Modify
or Qhelp. 313
" Means String. 314
( Means Start Parameter, Command or Subpattern
(in Regexp) 314
) Means End Parameter, Command or Subpattern (in
Regexp) 314
+ Means Ahead Some Lines, Add or Quantifier (in
Regexp) 315
- Means Back Some Lines, Minus or Range (in
Regexp) 315
# Means Numeric Pattern. 316
~ Means Spaces (Pattern), Recent Page or Field. 316
How to Contact Robelle 317
Support 317
Index 319