Qedit 6.5 for HP e3000

User Manual

Doc-To-Help Standard Manual

by Robelle Solutions Technology Inc.



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Welcome to Qedit 13

Introduction. 13

Documentation. 14

User Manual 14

Printed Documentation. 14

Other Documentation. 14

Printdoc Program.. 14

Other Manuals of Interest 15

Customer Support 15

Robelle Newsletter 15

QLIB and Bonus Contributed Software. 15

Notation. 16

Highlights  18

Highlights In Version 6.5. 18

Highlights In Version 6.4. 18

Highlights In Version 6.3. 18

Highlights In Version 6.2. 19

Highlights In Version 6.1. 19

Highlights In Version 6.0. 19

Installing Qedit 20

General Installation Notes. 20

Who Should Use These Instructions?. 20

Summary of Installation Steps. 20

Qedit Compiler Interfaces. 20

Important Note About Passwords. 21

STREAMX Users. 21

Step 1: Install Qedit 21

Step 2: Install QLIB and Bonus Programs. 23

Building the Spell Dictionary. 23

Step 3: Install NM Compiler Interface. 24

Installing the Interface. 24

Compiling Instructions. 24

Step 4: Install CM Compiler Interface. 25

Choosing a CM Installation Method. 25

Integrating CM Compiler Changes. 25

Isolating CM Compiler Changes. 26

Step 5: Saving Disc Space. 26

Purging Obsolete Files. 26

Minimal Set of Files. 26

Moving Qedit to Another Account 27

Moving All the Files. 28

Redirecting the File Names. 28

Moving a "Hooked" Qedit 28

Running the MPEXHOOKed Qedit 29

Removing the Compiler Interface. 30

Removing the NM Interface. 30

Removing the Integral CM Interface. 30

Removing the Isolated CM Interface. 31

Getting a Quick Start with HP Full-Screen Editing   33

Introduction. 33

Starting Visual Mode. 34

Screen Layout 35

Home Line. 35

Status Line. 35

Text Lines. 36

Template Line. 36

Special Indicator Columns. 36

Using Your Keyboard. 37

Moving the Cursor 37

Editing the Text Lines. 37

Control Functions. 38

Reflection for DOS Keyboards. 38

Other PC Keyboards. 39

Function Keys. 39

Browsing Through Your File. 41

Cut-and-Paste. 42

Cutting Operations. 42

Pasting Operations. 42

Resetting Cut-and-Paste. 43

Copying a Block of Text 43

Cut-and-Paste Between Files. 44

Dividing and Gluing Operations. 44

Dividing Lines in Visual Mode. 44

Gluing Lines in Visual Mode. 45

Excluding Lines From Visual Mode Display. 45

Justifying Lines in Visual Mode. 46

Renumbering Lines. 46

Inserting Blank Lines. 46

Hold Files. 46

Marking Changes Without Using Line Numbers. 47

Paste from a Non-Qedit File. 47

Home Line Commands. 48

Finding Strings. 48

Changing Strings. 49

Help on Visual Mode. 49

Compile, Link, and Run. 49

Formatting Paragraphs. 50

Undoing Changes in Visual Mode. 50

Refreshing the Screen. 50

Other Line Mode Commands. 51

Truncated Home Line. 51

Exit from Visual 51

Getting a Quick Start with Line Mode Editing   53

Introduction. 53

Adding Lines to a File. 53

Looking at the File. 54

Browsing the File. 55

Searching the File. 55

Editing Lines. 56

Global Changes. 57

Copying Lines. 59

Moving Lines. 59

Deleting Lines. 60

Help Command. 60

Saving the File. 61

Open and Shut for Instant Access. 61

Running Qedit under MPE   63

Introduction. 63

Edit in Line Mode or in Full-Screen Mode. 63

Edit Several Files at Once. 64

Qeditmgr Configuration Files. 64

Limiting Compile Priority. 65

Default Set Commands. 65

Using Qedit in Batch. 66

Summary of Parm= Values. 66

From the Posix Shell 67

Exit and Entry Options. 67

Exit with Verify. 67

Info= First File to Edit 68

Random Name for Primary Scratch File. 68

"Discard Changes?" on Exit 68

Info= "-p 99" Specifies Parm Value. 69

Info= "-c cmdstring". 69

Parm 512 to Edit a Single File. 70

Info= An Empty File to Fill 70

Info= Temporary File. 70

Info= Can Create New Files. 71

Parm Values to Suspend or Not 71

Info= Commands Only. 71

Basicentry Option. 72

JCWs That Drive Qedit 72




RCRTSTRAPSGH for Handshaking. 76




QEDCURWFILE Variable. 79


Qedit for Microsoft Windows  81

Introduction. 81

Server Process. 81

Logon Sequence. 81


Log Files. 83

Qedit Issues and Solutions  85

Running Qedit with Reflection. 85


Using a Command File to Start Up. 85

Alt-Y vs. :Reflect 86

Qedit and Reflection File Transfers. 86

Form Feed Causing Return/Line Feed. 87

Typeahead and Visual Mode. 88

Completion Codes. 88

Controlling the PC.. 88

Accidental Exit from Reflection. 88

Changing the Exit Keystroke. 89

Running Qedit in MPE/iX.. 90

Unresolved Externals on MPE/iX 4.0. 90

Compiling on MPE/iX.. 90

XDB: the Symbolic Debugger 90

Command Files and Variables. 91

Visual Mode. 91

EOF vs. LIMIT. 91

Disc Space for Files and Xltrim.. 91

Extents. 92

Qedit as the HPDesk Editor 92

Configuring HPDesk. 92

Configuring Qedit in HPDesk. 93

DeskQed. 93

Getting Programs to Read Qedit Files. 94

Qinput 94

Qcompxl 94

Qeditaccess Subroutine. 95

Qedify. 95

Qedify and $Include. 96

Editing Wide Files. 97

Using the New Command. 97

Using the Text Command. 97

Lines, Strings and Ranges. 98

Using Qedit with MPE Programming Languages  101

Introduction. 101

Editerr: Trapping Compiler Errors. 101

Limitations and Restrictions. 102

Linking PowerHouse with Qedit 103

Invoking PowerHouse from Qedit 104

Configuring Qedit as Your Editor 105

Editing PowerHouse Subfiles. 106

COBOL.. 106

Selecting a Compiler 106

Sequence Numbers and Comments. 106

Tagging Source Changes. 107

Copylib Members. 107

Trapping Syntax Errors. 108


Pascal 108

C Language. 109

SPL.. 109


RPG.. 110

BASIC.. 111

Segmenter 111

Common Uses of Qedit 113

Introduction. 113

Qedit as Word Processor 113

QNote UDC for Occasional Memos. 113

Justify Capability. 114

Check Spelling. 114

Prose: A Text Processor 115

Using TDP from within Qedit 116

Qedit as a File Utility. 116

Sorting a Range of Lines. 116

Searching Groups of Files for Strings. 117

Editing Data Files. 118

Editing Program Files. 120

Qedit as an Operations Tool 120

Editing Stream Files. 121

Native-Mode Output Spool Files. 121

Editing Bells, Tabs and Escapes. 121

Aborting All Users to Back Up. 121

Qedit Commands  123

Introduction. 123

General Notes. 123

Abbreviations. 123

Uppercase or Lowercase. 124

Multiple Commands per Line. 124

Comments on Command Lines. 124

STREAMX Warning. 125

Stopping Commands with Control-Y.. 125

Implicit Commands. 125

Function Keys. 126

Command Files and UDCs. 126

MPE Commands. 127

Differences from MPE.. 127

Calculator Commands. 128


QEDCURWFILE Variable. 128

External Program Commands. 128

:Activate Command [AC/:A] 129

Add Command [A] 130

Add (Adding New Lines) 130

Add (Adding a String as a Line) 132

Add (Copying Lines within a File) 133

Add (Moving Lines within a File) 134

Add (Copying Lines Between Files) 135

Append Command [AP] 136

Backward Command [BA/F5] 137

Before Command [B] 138

:Beginfile and :Endfile Commands. 140

Change Command [C] 141

Change (Changing Strings) 141

Change (Changing Columns) 144

Close Command [CL] 146

Colcopy Command  [COL] 147

Colmove Command  [COLM] 150

:Compile Command [CO/:C] 153

Delete Command [D] 157

Destroy Command [DES/:D] 159

:Display Command [DISPLAY] 160

Divide Command [DI] 161

:Do Command [DO] 162

:Editerror Command [EDITERROR] 163

:Escape Command [ESCAPE] 165

Exit Command [E/F8] 166

Find Command [F/F4] 167

Findup Command [FINDU/F3] 169

Form Command [FORM] 170

Forward Command [FO/F6] 171

Garbage Command [GAR] 172

Glue Command [G] 174

Help Command [H/?] 176

Hold Command [HO] 178

:If, :Endif, :Else, :Elseif Commands. 179

Justify Command [J] 180

Keep Command [K] 187

:Kill Command [KI/:K] 191

List Command [L] 192

:Listredo Command [LISTREDO/F7] 207

:Listundo Command [LISTU] 208

Lsort Command [LS] 209

Merge Command [ME] 210

Modify Command [M] 212

New Command [N] 225

Open Command [O] 227

:Pause Command [PAUSE] 231

:Prep Command [PREP/:P] 232

Proc Command [P] 234

Q Command [Q] 237

/Qedit Command. 238

:Qhelp Command [QHELP] 239

:Redo Command [REDO] 240

:Reflect Command [REFLECT] 242

Renumber Command [REN] 245

Replace Command [R] 246

:Return Command [RETURN] 248

:Run Command [RU/:R] 249

Run, Implied. 253

:Segmenter Command [SEG/:S] 254

Set Command [S] 255

Account 257

Alias. 258

Autocont 260

Check. 260

Decimal 261

DL size. 261

Editinput 262

Expandtabs. 263

Extentsize. 263

Extprog. 263

Filename. 264


HFS. 265

Halfbright 266

Hints. 266

Hppath. 266

Increment 266

Interactive. 267

Justify. 267

Keep. 268

Language. 273

Left 276

Length. 277

Lib. 277

Limits. 277

List 278

Maxdata. 279

Modify. 279

Open. 281

Pattern. 282

Priority. 282

Prompt 283

Redo. 283

Right 285

RL file name. 285

Shift 285

Spell 286

Statistics. 287

Stringdelimiters. 287

Suspend. 288

Tabs. 289

Term.. 289

Text 290

Totals. 292

UDC.. 292

Undo. 293

Varsub. 293

Visual 294

Warnings. 307

Whichcomp. 307

Window.. 308

Work. 309

Wraparound. 311

X.. 312

YNone. 316

Zip. 316

Shut Command [SH] 318

Spell Command [SP] 320

:Stream Command [STREAM] 322

:Tdpfinal and :Tdpdraft Commands. 323

Text Command [T] 324

Undo Command [UN] 332

Up Command [UP/F2] 334

Use Command [U] 335

Verify Command [V] 336

Visual Command [VI/F1] 337

:While and :Endwhile Commands. 339

Words Command [W] 340

:Xltrim Command [XLTRIM] 341

Zave Command [Z] 342

ZZ Command. 343

User Defined Commands. 344

Command Files. 349

Calculator Command [=] 353

POSIX Commands [!] 356

Troubleshooting and Error Messages  357

Introduction. 357

Messages. 357

System Errors. 360

Quit Errors. 361

Errors in Visual 361

Using Visual with X.25. 361

Using Visual on MPE/iX.. 361

Accidental Invocation of MPE/iX CI. 361

Using Visual on HP-UX.. 362

Terminals Supported by Visual 362

Problems with 700/9x Terminals. 362

Visual Error Messages. 363

Analyzing Compiler Problems. 365


Control-Y and NM Compiles. 366

How to Bypass Qcompxl 366

Problems with HP's C Compiler 366

Unresolved External Reference. 367

Illegal Characters. 367

Pascal/V Compiler Stack Overflow.. 367

File Formats  369

Introduction. 369

Qedit Workfiles. 369

Original Format Workfiles. 369

Jumbo Workfiles. 370

External Files. 371

Error Files for Editerror 374

Prefix Characters & Data. 374

User Routines  377

Introduction. 377

Wide Lines and User Procedures. 377

"Init" Interface Procedure. 378

"Com" Interface Procedure. 379

"Add" Interface Procedure. 380

"Exit" Interface Procedure. 381

Installing Your Interface Procedures. 381

Alternate Activation. 382

The Modify User Hook. 383

Writing a User Procedure. 383

DL Space. 384

Passing Procspace Values. 384

Communication Flags for User Code. 385

Qcopy  387

Introduction. 387

Accessing Qcopy. 387

Qcopy Documentation. 388

Qedit-Compatible Software Tools  389

Introduction. 389

Compare/iX.. 389


Adager 390

CCS - Corporate Computer Systems. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Reflection. 390

ROBOT.. Error! Bookmark not defined.

PowerHouse. 390

Splash for Native-Mode SPL.. 391

Documentation/3000. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Prose Text Formatter 391

Spell: Spelling Checker 391

Qhelp Help System... 391


MPEX and STREAMX.. 391

SCOMPARE and ANALYZER.. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Xpedit Full-Screen Editor 392

Nuggets. 393

Fantasia. Error! Bookmark not defined.

TDP. 393

Network Engine. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Regular Expressions  395

Introduction. 395

Metacharacters. 395

Character Class. 397

Escape Character 399

Escaped Sequences in Regular Expressions. 400

Backreferences in Regular Expressions. 401

Escaped Characters in Replacement String. 402

Qedit Glossary  403