User Manual

Doc-To-Help Standard Manual










Program and manual copyright © 1981-2008 Robelle Solutions Technology Inc.


Permission is granted to reprint this document (but not for profit), provided that copyright notice is given.


Qedit and Suprtool are trademarks of Robelle Solutions Technology Inc. Oracle is a trademark of Oracle Corporation, Redwood City, California, USA. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.










Robelle Solutions Technology Inc.

#372 - 7360 137 Street

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Phone:   604.501.2001

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Table of Contents

Suprtool 5.1.02 for HP-UX: 1

User Manual 1

Program and manual copyright © 1981-2008 Robelle Solutions Technology Inc. 2

Permission is granted to reprint this document (but not for profit), provided that copyright notice is given. 2

Phone:              604.501.2001  2

Table of Contents  3

Welcome to Suprtool 16

Introduction. 16

Suprtool Components. 16

STExport - Data Export Utility. 16

Suprlink - Multidataset Access. 17

Documentation. 17

Notation. 17

Suprtool Version 5.1.02  19

Highlights in HP-UX version. 19

Highlights in AMXW version. 20

Installing Suprtool 22

Overview.. 22

Who Needs To Use These Instructions. 22

Instructions for HP-UX.. 22

Instructions for AMXW... 22

Suprtool Roadmap for HP-UX   23

Road Map to Suprtool on HP-UX.. 23

Suprtool for HP-UX.. 23

Suprtool for HP-UX, with Dynamic load. 23

Suprtool for AMXW... 23

Suprtool for AMXW, with Ksam... 23

Itanium Version of Suprtool for AMXW... 23

Dynamic load version of Suprtool for AMXW... 24

Quick Start Guide for Suprtool 25

How to Run Suprtool 25

What is a Task?. 25

Copying Files. 26

Copying One File. 26

Appending to a File. 26

Fields in Data Files. 26

What is a Self-Describing File?. 26

Creating an SD File. 26

Define Fields in a Data File. 26

Create an SD File from a Data File. 27

Repeating Commands. 27

Repeating a Command. 27

Selecting Database Records. 28

Select All Records. 28

Look at the First Few Records. 28

Selecting by Criteria. 29

Simple Criteria. 29

Complex Criteria. 29

String of Digits. 29

Selecting by Date. 29

Select by Today's Date. 30

Select by Particular Date. 30

Select by Year 30

Select Prior Month. 30

Selecting by Lists of Values. 31

Finding Data Based on a List 31

Finding Data Based on a File. 31

Finding Data Based on Another Table’s Criteria. 32

Finding Data in a Data File. 32

Sorting Database Records. 32

Sort Records. 32

Sort Records in Descending Order 33

Sort by Multiple Keys. 33

Duplicate Records. 33

Report without Duplicate Records. 33

Report Only the Duplicate Records. 34

Report Only the Unique Records. 34

Report Only the Duplicates and Their Originals. 35

Deleting Duplicate Data File Records. 35

Decimal Places. 36

Converting Numbers. 36

Counts and Subtotals. 37

Count and Subtotal on Sort Keys. 37

Sort by Count or Subtotal 37

Total by Field. 38

Running Totals. 38

Running SubTotals. 38

Listing Records. 39

Changing the Output Record Format 39

Producing a Condensed Table Listing. 40

Simple Reports. 40

Your First Report 40

Column Headings. 41

Printing Mailing Labels. 41

Running Suprtool under HP-UX   43

Running Suprtool 43

Configuring Different Shells. 43

Bourne and Korn Shells. 43

C Shell 43

Setting Up a PATH for Suprtool 44

Bourne and Korn Shells. 44

C Shell 44

Dynamic Loading. 45

Control Characters and stty. 45

Suprmgr Configuration Files. 46

On-Line vs. Batch Access. 46

Command Line Options. 46

Initial Command Line:  -ccmdstring. 46

Default Outcount File Name:  -oc. 46

Exit with Verify:  -v. 47

Combining -c and -v. 47

Loader Warnings. 47

HP-UX Notes. 47

Shell Commands. 47

Hardcoded File Names and ROBELLE Variable. 48

ROBELLE Variable. 48

opt/robelle/suprmgr 48

opt/robelle/help/suprtool 48

Outcount File. 48

Differences Between MPE and HP-UX.. 49

Record Length. 49

Line Feeds. 49

Duplicate Output Files. 49

Classic Reals. 49

Input from Stdlist 50

Missing Features. 50

Suprtool and AMXW    53

What is AMXW... 53

What is Suprtool for AMXW... 53

Running Suprtool 53

Symbolic Links and running Supramxw.. 53

Suprtool/AMXW... 54

Form Command. 54

Numrecs Command. 54

Output Command. 54

Temporary Files. 55

Appending Records. 55

Table operations. 55

Variable Substitution. 55

Set Commands. 55

Command Details for AMXW    56

AMXW... 56

Numrecs Command  [N] 57

Set Commands. 58

AMXW Externalsd. 58

AMXW PerfWrite. 58

Filecode. 58

Squeeze. 59

Suprtool Issues and Solutions  60

A Suprtool Task. 60

Input Choices. 60

Processing Selections. 60

Output Choices. 60

Large File Support 61

Suprtool and Allbase. 61

Data-Types. 61

Date and Time Types. 62

Restrictions. 62

Suprtool and Oracle. 62

Data-Types. 62

Number Data-Type. 63

Order By vs. Sort 63

Restrictions. 63

SDUnix Utility. 64

Installation. 64

SDUnix Parameters. 65

LF vs. NOLF. 65

Examples. 65

Link vs. Query. 66

Suprtool and Self-Describing Files. 66

Create an SD File from a Table. 66

Create an SD File from a Data File. 66

SD Files as Input 67

Listing SD Files. 67

Decimal Places and Date Formats. 67

Extended Field Names. 67

Restrictions of SD Files. 68

Suprtool and Sorting Files. 68

Suprtool and Personal Computers. 68

Downloading to the PC.. 68

Decimal Places. 68

Spreadsheets. 69

Suprtool and PowerHouse Applications. 69

Suprtool with Quiz/QTP. 69

Step 1: Create a Subfile with Quiz. 69

Step 2: Output Erase in Suprtool 70

Step 3: Report with Quiz. 70

Using QTP to Create Subfiles. 70

Creating Subfile with Script File. 70

Quiz: Generating Suprtool Commands. 71

Year 2000 Solutions with Suprtool 71

What If I Have Four-Digit Years?. 71

What does Set Date Cutoff do?. 72

Stddate and Set Date Cutoff. 72

What does Set Date ForceCentury do?. 72

What If I Have Two-Digit Years?. 73

What Is Wrong with Two-Digit Years?. 73

How Do $Today and $Date Work?. 74

Will Suprtool Generate an Error for Two-Digit Year Dates?. 74

How Do I Use $Today and $Date with yymmdd Dates?. 74

aammdd Date Format 75

Invalid Dates. 75

Can Suprtool Convert Two-Digit Years to Four Digits?. 75

Case 1:  Converting a J2 Date from yymmdd to ccyymmdd. 75

Case 2:  X6 yymmdd Data to X8 ccyymmdd. 77

Case 3:  Different Date Formats X6 MMDDYY Data to X6 YYMMDD.. 78

Year 2000 Testing. 80

Performance Issues. 80

Eloquence Performance. 81

Sort Performance. 81

Oracle Performance. 81

Analyzing Performance Data. 82

Variable Substitution. 82

Suprtool Commands  83

General Notes. 83

Abbreviating. 83

Uppercase or Lowercase. 83

Multiple Commands per Line. 83

Continuation. 84

Comments on Command Lines. 84

HP-UX Commands. 84

Calculator 85

Control-Y Interrupt 85

Add Command  [Add] 86

Examples. 86

Base Command  [BA] 87

Before Command  [C] 89

Chain Command  [C] 91

Clean Command  [CL] 93

Removing Bad Characters. 93

Define Command  [D] 95

Delete Command  [DEL] 100

Do Command  [DO] 102

Duplicate Command  [DU] 103

Edit Command  [ED] 107

Exit Command  [E] 108

Export Command  [EXP] 110

Extract Command  [EXT] 111

Constants. 111

Dates. 113

Range of Fields. 115

Numeric Expressions. 116

$SubTotal Function. 118

$Total Function. 118

$Counter Function. 118

String Expressions. 119

Splitting Variable Length Strings. 120

Cleaning your Data. 121

Un-printables. 122

Clean Command Syntax. 122

Setting the Clean Character 122

Cleaning a Field. 122

Cleaning your data. 123

Extract from a Table. 123

Data Conversion. 124

$Number Function. 125

Numeric to Byte Conversion. 126

$Edit Function. 127

Placeholders and Format Characters. 127

Byte-Type Formatting. 127

Z-placeholder for byte-fields. 128

Overflow and limits. 128

Numeric field edit-masks. 129

Signs. 129

Decimal Places. 130

Data and Edit mask: 130

Currency and Dollar signs. 130

Overflow and floating dollar 131

Set CurrencySymbol 131

Overflow and limits. 131

Restrictions. 131

Form Command  [F] 134

Get Command  [G] 137

Help Command  [H] 139

If Command  [IF] 140

Expressions. 140

Constants. 143

Subscripts. 144

Numeric Expressions. 145

String Expressions. 147

Date Selection. 150

Long Expressions. 155

Input Command  [I] 158

Item Command  [IT] 160

Date Formats. 160

Decimal Places. 163

Notes. 164

Key Command  [K] 166

Link Command  [LIN] 168

List Command  [L] 169

Format 169

LaserJet Listings. 170

Headings in Listings. 171

Simple Reports. 172

List Device. 173

List File. 173

Listredo Command  [LISTREDO] 176

Numrecs Command  [N] 177

Open Command  [OP] 178

Remote Databases and Oracle Issues. 178

Output Command  [O] 179

Put Command  [P] 184

Q Command  [Q] 185

Redo Command  [REDO] 186

Reset Command  [R] 189

Select Command  [SEL] 190

Set Command  [S] 191

Allbase. 193

Arithmetic. 193

Baseclose. 193

Blocksize. 193

Buffer 193


CurrencySymbol 194

Date Cutoff. 194

Date ForceCentury. 195

Date IfYY2000Error 196

Date MapToPHDate8. 196

DecimalSymbol 196

Defer 197

DumpOnError 197

EditStopOnError 197

Eofread. 197

FastRead. 197

Filecode. 198

Filename. 198

Firstrec. 199

Hints. 199

HPUXCmdErr “<string>”. 199

Ifcheck. 199

Ignore. 200

InitExtents. 200

ItemAbbreviateDate. 200

ItemLock. 200

Interactive. 201

LabelledTapeRewind. 201

Limits. 201

List 202

List Date. 202

List PCL.. 202

List Time. 203

Lock. 204

MakeAbsent 204

NLS. 204

NumBug. 205

Openmode. 205

Oracle. 205

Oracle. 205

Oracle. 206

Oracle. 206

Pattern. 206

Prefetch. 207

Privmode. 207

Progress. 207

Prompt 208

RealMap. 208

Recover 208

Redo. 208

SDExtname. 209

Sortfast 210

Squeeze. 210

Statistics. 210

Subsystem... 210

Suspend. 210

ThousandSymbol 210

Userlabels. 210

Varsub. 210

VarsubCompat 211

VarsubDebug. 211

Warnings. 211

Sort Command  [SO] 212

Table Command [TA] 214

Adding Individual Values to a Table. 214

Adding Values from a File. 215

Total Command [T] 218

Update Command  [UP] 220

Use Command  [U] 221

Userpause Command  [USER] 223

Verify Command  [V] 224

Xeq Command  [X] 225

Calculator Command [=] 226

Suprtool Errors and Warnings  229

Two Types Of Messages. 229

Errors. 229

Warnings. 230

Welcome to STExport 231

Welcome to STExport 231

Installing STExport 231

Accessing STExport 233

How To Run STExport 233

How to Xeq an STExport Task. 233

Hardcoded File Names and ROBELLE Variable. 233

ROBELLE Variable. 233

Using STExport in Batch. 234

Command Line Options. 234

Default Outcount File Name:  -oc. 234

Variable Substitution -v. 234

Introduction to STExport 235

Importing Data. 235

Input File. 235

Data-Types. 235

Formatting Commands. 236

Commands. 236

Performance Considerations. 236

STExport Commands  237

General Notes. 237

Abbreviating. 237

Uppercase or Lowercase. 237

Comments on Command Lines. 237

HP-UX Commands. 237

File Names. 238

Calculator 238

Control-Y.. 238

Before Command  [B] 239

Clean Command  [CL] 241

Removing Bad Characters. 241

Columns Command  [C] 242

Date Command  [DA] 243

Decimal Command  [DEC] 245

Delimiter Command  [DE] 246

Do Command  [DO] 247

Escape Command  [ES] 248

Exit Command  [E] 249

Exit Abort [EA] 249

Exit Suspend [ES] 249

Exit Xeq [EX] 249

Floating Command  [FL] 251

Form Command  [F] 252

Heading Command  [HEA] 253

Help Command  [H] 255

HTML Command  [HT] 256

Dynamic Web Pages. 258

Web Server 258

Shell Script 259

Perl Script 261

CGI Script 262

Input Command  [I] 264

Listredo Command  [LISTREDO] 265

Output Command  [O] 266

Quote Command  [Q] 267

Redo Command  [REDO] 268

Reset Command  [R] 269

Set Command  [S] 270

CleanChar 270

Mapped. 270

Redo. 270

Statistics. 271

Varsub. 271

VarsubCompat 272

VarsubDebug. 272

Warnings. 272

Xmltagchar 272

Sign Command  [SI] 274

Spaces Command  [SP] 275

Use Command  [U] 276

Verify Command  [V] 277

Xeq Command  [X] 278

XML Command  [XML] 279

Zero Command  [Z] 282

Example of STExport Output 283

Example. 283

Limits Within STExport 287

Maximums. 287

Welcome to Dbedit 288

Introduction. 288

Restrictions. 288

Functions of Dbedit 288

Performance of Dbedit 289

Field Lists. 289

Database Locking. 290

Decimal Points. 290

Critical-Item Update. 291

Dbedit Commands  292

General Notes. 292

Abbreviating. 292

Uppercase or Lowercase. 292

Continuation. 292

Control-Y.. 293

Comments on Command Lines. 293

OS Commands. 293

Calculator 293

Example Database. 294

Prompting for Search Criteria. 294

Command Parameters. 294

File Parameter 294

Option Parameter 295

Numeric-Value Option. 295

All Option. 295

Key Option. 296

Limit Option. 296

Related Option. 296

Under Option. 297

Updatekey Option. 297

Subcommands. 297

Add Command  [A] 299

Before Command  [B] 300

Change Command  [C] 302

Delete Command  [D] 303

Do Command  [DO] 304

Exit Command  [E] 305

File Command  [F] 306

Form Command  [FO] 307

Help Command  [H] 308

List Command  [L] 309

Listredo Command  [LISTREDO] 310

Modify Command  [M] 311

Q Command  [Q] 312

Redo Command  [REDO] 313

Set Command  [S] 314

LP. 314

Prompt 314

Quiet 314

Reset 314

Underline. 315

Verify. 315

Use Command  [U] 316

Verify Command  [V] 317

Welcome to Suprlink  318

Welcome to Suprlink. 318

Terminology and HP-UX.. 318

Notation. 318

Installing Suprlink. 319

Hardcoded File Names and ROBELLE Variable. 319

ROBELLE Variable. 319

Accessing Suprlink  321

How To Run Suprlink. 321

How to Xeq a Suprlink Task. 321

Suprtool Link Command. 321

Exit with Verify. 321

Using Suprlink in Batch. 322

Command Line Options. 322

Default Outcount File Name:  -oc. 322

Variable Substitution -v. 322

Introduction to Suprlink  323

How Report Programs Work. 323

Input Files. 323

Link Files. 323

Output Files. 324

Sort Keys. 324

Selection Logic. 324

A Link Example. 324

A Join Example. 325

Performance Considerations. 326

Another Example. 327

Illegal Digits. 327

Selecting Non-Matches. 328

Suprlink with Quiz/QTP. 328

Suprlink Commands  331

General Notes. 331

Abbreviating. 331

Uppercase or Lowercase. 331

Continuation. 331

Comments on Command Lines. 332

HP-UX Commands. 332

File Names. 332

Calculator 332

Control-Y.. 332

Before Command  [B] 334

Do Command  [DO]