Suprtool 6.4 for MPE:

User Manual

Doc-To-Help Standard Manual








by Robelle Solutions Technology Inc.





Program and manual copyright © 1981-2022 Robelle Solutions Technology Inc.


Permission is granted to reprint this document (but not for profit), provided that copyright notice is given.


Qedit and Suprtool are trademarks of Robelle Solutions Technology Inc. Oracle is a trademark of Oracle Corporation, Redwood City, California, USA. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.










Robelle Solutions Technology Inc.

Suite 372, 13711 – 72nd Avenue,

Surrey, B.C. Canada  V3W 2P2


Phone:   604.501.2001

Support: 289.480.1060





Table of Contents

Suprtool 6.4 for MPE: 1

User Manual 1

Program and manual copyright © 1981-2022 Robelle Solutions Technology Inc. 2

Permission is granted to reprint this document (but not for profit), provided that copyright notice is given. 2

Phone:              604.501.2001  2

Table of Contents  3

Welcome to Suprtool 22

Introduction. 22

Suprtool Components. 22

Database Editing. 22

Speed Demon - Replacing DBGET Mode-2. 23

STExport - Data Export Utility. 23

Rport - Data Reporting Utility. 23

Suprlink - Multidataset Access. 24

Suprtool2 - Interface Routine. 24

Documentation. 24

Notation. 25

Suprtool Version 6.4  26

Highlights in Suprtool 6.4. 26

Highlights in Suprtool 6.3. 27

Highlights in Suprtool 6.2. 27

Highlights in Suprtool 6.1. 28

Highlights in Suprtool 6.0. 28

Installing Suprtool 29

Overview.. 29

Instructions. 29

Getting a Quick Start with Suprtool 30

How to Run Suprtool 30

What is a Task?. 30

Copying Files. 31

Copying One File. 31

Appending to a File. 31

Concatenating Two Files. 31

Fields in Data Files. 31

What is a Self-Describing File?. 31

Creating an SD File. 31

Define Fields in a Data File. 32

Create an SD File from a Data File. 32

Repeating Commands. 33

Repeating a Command. 33

How to Save On-line Commands to a File. 33

Selecting Database Records. 33

Select All Records. 34

Select a Random Sample. 34

Look at the First Few Records. 34

Selecting by Criteria. 34

Simple Criteria. 34

Complex Criteria. 34

String of Digits. 35

Selecting by Date. 35

Select by Today's Date. 35

Select by Particular Date. 35

Select by Year 36

Select Prior Month. 36

Selecting by Lists of Values. 36

Finding Data Based on a List 36

Finding Data Based on a File. 37

Finding Data Based on Another Dataset's Criteria. 37

Finding Data in a Data File. 38

Comparing against a Key and Data. 38

Sorting Database Records. 39

Sort Records. 39

Sort Records in Descending Order 39

Sort by Multiple Keys. 39

Deleting Records. 39

Updating Records. 40

Duplicate Records. 40

Report without Duplicate Records. 40

Report Only the Duplicate Records. 41

Report Only the Unique Records. 41

Report Only the Duplicates and Their Originals. 42

Deleting Duplicate Database Records. 42

Deleting Non-Unique Duplicate Database Records. 43

Deleting Duplicate Data File Records. 44

Sorting IMAGE to KSAM... 45

Loading a Dataset 45

Decimal Places. 45

Converting Numbers. 46

Counts and Subtotals. 46

Count and Subtotal on Sort Keys. 46

Sort by Count or Subtotal 47

Total by Field. 47

Running Totals. 47

Running SubTotals. 47

Listing Records. 48

Changing the Output Record Format 48

Producing a Condensed Dataset Listing. 49

Simple Reports. 49

Your First Report 49

Printing a Report 50

Specifying Your Own Title. 50

Column Headings. 50

Printing Mailing Labels. 51

Running Suprtool under MPE   52

How to Run Suprtool 52

How to Xeq a Suprtool Task. 52

Info= for Commands. 52

Son Process. 53

Combining Info= and Son Process. 53

Exit with Verify. 53

Preventing Suprtool from Suspending. 54

Stdin and Stdlist Files. 54

Input and Output Files. 54


Duplicating Files. 55

Job Control Word. 55

Suprmgr Configuration File. 55

Using Suprtool in Batch. 56

SuprtoolOutCount JCW... 56

SuprtoolFullCount Variable. 57

Summary of Parm= Values. 57

Suprtool Issues and Solutions  59

A Suprtool Task. 59

Input Choices. 59

Processing Selections. 59

Output Choices. 59

Suprtool and Allbase. 60

Data-Types. 60

Date and Time Types. 61

Restrictions. 61

Suprtool and IMAGE.. 61

Reading Datasets. 61

Serial vs. Keyed Access. 62

When to Use Suprtool with IMAGE.. 62

TurboIMAGE Compatibility. 63

Locking of IMAGE Datasets. 63

Database Maintenance (Delete, Put) 64

B-trees. 65

Master Dataset Expansion (MDX) 65

Jumbo Datasets and Large Datasets. 65

Suprtool and KSAM Files. 66

Locking Output KSAM Files. 66

Locking Input KSAM Files. 66

Compatibility Mode KSAM/V Files. 67

Reorganizing KSAM/V Files. 67

KSAM/XL Files. 68

Loading KSAM/XL Files. 68

How Do I Convert CM Ksam to NM KSAM?. 68

Reuse option and KSAM/XL Files. 69

Suprtool and MPE Files. 69

Buffered and NOBUF File Access. 69

Message Files. 70

Circular Files. 70

RIO Files. 70

Temporary Files. 71

Lockwords. 71

Copying User Labels. 71

SDUnix Utility. 72

SDUnix Parameters. 72

LF vs. NOLF. 72

Examples. 72

Link vs. Query. 73

Suprtool and Self-Describing Files. 73

Create an SD File from a Dataset 73

Create an SD File from a Data File. 73

SD Files as Input 74

Listing SD Files. 74

Decimal Places and Date Formats. 74

Restrictions of SD Files. 74

Creating KSAM SD Files. 75

HowMessy Loadfile. 76

Notes on SD Files. 76

Convert an SD File to a Disc File. 76

Suprtool and Sorting Files. 76

Fast Sorting. 77

Native Language Support 77

With Reduced Disc Space. 77

Suprtool and Tape Files. 78

Labelled Tapes. 78

Multiple Files. 79

Notes. 79

File User Labels. 79

Suprtool and Remote File Access. 80

Network Services (NS) 80

Suprtool and MPE/iX.. 80

Calling Suprtool in Native Mode. 80

User XL Files. 80

When Errors Occur 81

Sorting with Suprtool/iX.. 81

Suprtool and CI Variable Substitution. 81

Example. 81

Batch Requires Indent 82

Avoiding Double Resolution. 82

Suprlink and STExport 83

Suprtool and User Prompting. 83

Example. 84

Resolving Variables. 84

Suprtool and Personal Computers. 84

Downloading to the PC.. 85

Decimal Places. 85

Spreadsheets. 85

Suprtool and PowerHouse Applications. 85

Suprtool with Quiz/QTP. 85

Step 1:  Create a Subfile with Quiz. 86

Step 2:  Output Erase in Suprtool 86

Step 3:  Report with Quiz. 86

Using QTP to Create Subfiles. 87

Creating Subfile with Command File. 87

Suprtool and PowerHouse Data-Types. 89

Suprtool Definitions - QSCHEMA.. 91

Notes on QSHOW Output 92

The Quiz Report 93

Quiz: Generating Suprtool Commands. 94

Generating Suprtool Commands from Quick. 94

Suprtool and Application Systems. 95

Third-Party Indexing. 95

Z-type TPI-keys. 95

Omnidex without TPI. 96

OmniQuest 97

Suprtool with TRANSACT.. 97

XSORT and RPG.. 98

QUERY Program... 98

SRN Chronos Dates. 99

Year 2000 Solutions with Suprtool 99

What If I Have Four-Digit Years?. 99

What does Set Date Cutoff do?. 100

Stddate and Set Date Cutoff. 100

What does Set Date ForceCentury do?. 100

What If I Have Two-Digit Years?. 100

What Is Wrong with Two-Digit Years?. 101

How Do $Today and $Date Work?. 101

Will Suprtool Generate an Error for Two-Digit Year Dates?. 102

How Do I Use $Today and $Date with yymmdd Dates?. 102

aammdd Date Format 102

Invalid Dates. 103

Can Suprtool Convert Two-Digit Years to Four Digits?. 103

Case 1:  Converting a J2 Date from yymmdd to ccyymmdd. 103

Case 2:  X6 yymmdd Data to X8 ccyymmdd. 105

Case 3:  Different Date Formats X6 MMDDYY Data to X6 YYMMDD.. 106

Year 2000 Testing. 107

Performance Issues. 108

Native Mode and Compatibility Mode. 108

CPU-Bound?. 108

Sort Speed. 109

Analyzing Performance Data. 109

Suprtool Performance Hints. 110

Obtaining Accurate Measurements. 110

Performance Summary. 111

Suprtool Functions. 111

String/Byte Functions. 111

$TRIM (Works on byte type fields) 111

If Usage: 112

Extract Usage (target: Byte type fields) 112

Example: 112

Data Examples Before and After: 112

$LTRIM (Works on Byte type fields) 112

If Usage: 112

Extract Usage (target: Byte type fields) 112

Example: 112

Data Examples before and after: 112

$RTRIM (Works on Byte type fields) 112

If Usage: 113

Extract Usage (target: Byte type fields) 113

Example: 113

Data Examples: 113

Data Result 113

$UPPER (Works on Byte-type fields) 113

If Usage: 113

Extract Usage (target: Byte type fields) 113

Example: 113

Data Examples: 113

$LOWER (Works on Byte-type fields) 114

If Usage: 114

Extract Usage: 114

Example: 114

Data Examples: 114

$PROPER (Works on Byte-type fields) 114

If Usage: 114

Extract Usage: 114

Example: 114

Data Examples: 114

$SPLIT (Works on Byte-type fields) 115

If Usage: 115

Extract Usage: 115

Data Examples: 115

Data Examples: 115

$FINDCLEAN (Works on Byte-type fields) 115

If Usage: 115

$CLEAN (Works on Byte-type fields) 115

If Usage: (Not commonly used) 116

Extract Usage: 116

Example: 116

Data Examples: 116

$TRANSLATE (Works on Byte-type fields) 116

If Usage: 116

Extract Usage: 116

Data Examples: (Using above code) 116

$JUSTIFYL (Works on Byte-type fields) 116

If Usage: 117

Extract Usage: 117

Data Examples: (Using above code) 117

$JUSTIFYR (Works on Byte-type fields) 117

If Usage: 117

Extract Usage: 117

Data Examples: (Using above code) 117

$LEADZEROB (Works on Byte-type fields) 117

If Usage: 117

Extract Usage: 117

Data Examples: (Using above code) 117

$RESPACE (Works on Byte-type fields) 118

If Usage: 118

Extract Usage: 118

Data Examples: (Using above code) 118

$LENGTH (Works on Byte-type and numeric fields) 118

If Usage: 118

Extract Usage: 118

$ETOA.. 118

Extract Usage: 118

$ATOE.. 118

Extract Usage: 118

String Addition. 119

Extract Usage: 119

Example: 119

Data Result: 119

Numeric Functions. 119


If Usage: 119

Extract Usage: 119

$ABS. 119

IF Usage: 120

Extract Usage: 120

$TOTAL.. 120

IF Usage: 120

Extract Usage: 120


IF Usage: 120

Extract Usage: 121

Example of $TOTAL and $SUBTOTAL.. 121

$COUNTER.. 121

IF Usage: 121

Extract Usage: 122


IF Usage: 122

Extract Usage: 122

Examples for $counter and $subcount: 122

$SIGNED.. 123

IF Usage: 123

Extract Usage: 123

$LEADZEROZ (Works on Display-type fields) 123

If Usage: 123

Extract Usage: 123

Data Examples: (Using above code) 123

$LENGTH (Works on Byte-type and numeric fields) 123

If Usage: 123

Extract Usage: 123

Arithmetic Operations. 124

+ - * / mod. 124

If Usage: 124

Extract Usage: 124

Conversion/Formatting. 124

$NUMBER.. 124

If Usage: 124

Extract Usage: 124

Data Examples: 124

$EDIT.. 125

If Usage: 125

Extract Usage: 125

Data Examples: 125

Other Functions. 125

$LOOKUP. 125

If Usage: 125

Extract Usage: 125

$READ.. 125

If Usage: 126