What's Up, DOCumentation? 2001 # 7

November 2001
Bob Green, President
To: Users of Robelle Software
Re: News of the HP e3000 and Robelle, 2001 #7
If you haven't been visiting the
Robelle web site, www.robelle.com,
at least once a week, here is what you have been missing. Included
are many of the stories posted to the web since the
last What's Up DOC newsletter in October 2001.
If you
are reading a PDF or text version of this newsletter, remember that the
headline of every story is actually a web link to the full story
or more information. If you want to follow
a link to get more information, go to
the web home of the current newsletter:
News and Upcoming Events
The Robelle Tech columns in the October issue of The 3000 NewsWire
provide an introduction to XML, with example applications and links to voluminous web training
material, and they announce a new feature in Suprtool: exporting to XML format.
Robelle has created a new corner of its web site dedicated to
users of SPECTRUM, the industry-leading application
solution for credit unions from Summit Information Systems.
Hear from Summit/Suprtool users, read a case study,
configure Suprtool for Spectrum, and see examples of two Spectrum jobs converted to use Suprtool.
If you are a Summit/Suprtool user, send us your experiences, your converted job streams,
your spreadsheet exports, or even your Suprtool enhancement requests to benefit Summit users.
is a trademark of Summit Information Systems.
Yearly technical training conference:
HP e3000 Solutions Symposium,
April 3- 6, 2002,
San Jose, CA,
Hyatt, San Jose. Use source code SS02PE1 to take advantage of the Early Bird
specials (save up to $100).
In response to popular demand, we have converted the HowMessy 2.8 manual to
PDF and HTML Help formats, and these are available for download, free of
charge. Click the link above.
HP Tips
Read the presentation on MPE/iX Patch Management given at the HP e3000 Solutions Symposium on February 8, 2001 by John Burke.
MPE CI Programming for 7.0 - by Jeff Vance. The appendix is lengthy and the speaker notes at the bottom of each page are recommended reading. This slideset covers much of the same material as presented in the 2001 Solutions Symposium. However, there is new material, new examples and perhaps the order of the slides is more intuitive from a programming perspective.
Database Update - by Vikram Kumar B T. This is the Image/SQL database update presented at HP World.
Database Update - by Vikram Kumar B T. This is the Image/SQL database update presented at HP World.
Open-source Development on MPE - by Mark Bixby. A brief history of open source on the 3000 plus step by step instructions on how to build open source applications.
Perl Programming on MPE/iX - by Mark Bixby. This is a slightly revised version of the Perl talk given at the 2001 Solution Symposium.
SIGWEB Internet & Interoperability Update - by Mark Bixby. CSY's I&I accomplishments since the previous HPWorld and plans for the future.

Qedit for Windows Tips
The Sept issue of the 3000 NewsWire contains a RobelleTech column
by Neil Armstrong about the new "Favorites" feature in Qedit for Windows.
Neil has found it very useful to organize by project the many disparate number and types of files that
he edits, even files on different servers and his local PC. Click the link above for the full story.
We at Robelle have created a new web site, qedit.com to
gather together information for people who are considering using our Qedit for Windows product.
Take a look and pass it on to your friends.
Do you have someone that you need to convince of the value of Qedit For Windows?
We have a product brochure for you,
and it is available in PDF format from our web site.
From the new brochure:
If you work with HP files of any kind - scripts, job streams, program source, report specs, data files, Suprtool scripts or
web pages - you can do it easier in Qedit for Windows. All the familiarity of the Windows interface, plus full control
of the special characteristics of the HP e3000 and HP-UX servers that PC editors just can’t cope with.
If you have the Adobe Acrobat Viewer
installed, then opening the link should display the brochure
in your browser. If you'd like to download the brochure,
right-click the link, and select "Save target as...".
Or you can
email sales@robelle.com and request a printed copy by slow mail.
MS Windows Tips
If you are using win2k in your IT operation, you should take a look at this site.
Collects links to the best resources on the net, highlights the latest bad bugs,
finds software resources, and more.
For more Windows tips, visit the permanent location
of these articles.

Suprtool Tips
We have created a new web site just for our Suprtool product, suprtool.com,
with links to vast amounts of information. This is primarily intended to attract new customers into
the Suprtool fold, so if you see some important aspect of Suprtool that we missed, please let us
know, bgreen@robelle.com - thanks.
Robelle-l is a quiet little
discussion group where people can post questions about Qedit and Suprtool,
and receive answers from other users and the Robelle staff.
Recently, there was an interesting discussion on recovering from
an error that inadvertently created duplicate records in a detail dataset.
Click the link above to read the interesting solution to the problem.
What is not clear to everyone about Defines is that they do not change the data structure
of a field, they merely clarify it. If a large byte field has sub-fields in it, then a Define
can make that clear. But if you want to look at the first digit of a binary field, using a Define
to make it a byte field does not help. Click the link above to find out more...
Sometimes you just want the first ten records in a file, but what if you want the "top" ten records
in the file, by a sort value. Click the link above to learn how.
DBTune/SQL is the free utility from HICOMP dedicated to administering IMAGE/SQL databases ATTACHed to ALLBASE/SQL DBEs (Data Base Environment). The management of these two disparate database management systems is quite a handful, which is why DBTune/SQL was created. In October, 2001, Dbtune/SQL was updated for IMAGE/SQL G4. (MPE/iX 6.5 and 7.0)
Link found via hp3000links.com
3000-L is an internet mailing list for people who have an interest in the HP e3000 computer system.
You can post a question or a notice and other people who read the list will post
answers and comments. For example, the link above is to a Suprtool question about
translating a Suprtool p28 data type into the corresponding Powerhouse data type.
For the answer, look at the one reply posted to this message, which points to this Robelle technical tip.
Here is an tiny snippet from this interesting interview by the 3000 NewsWire:
What kind of company is the best prospect for a solution that uses IMAGE, rather than something like an SAP-like solution?
Any company that does not have extra money, time, and attention to throw away.
Adager has added a section of HP e3000 success stories to their web site. This one is about who uses a site that uses two HP e3000 Business servers for heavy-duty OLTP (OnLine Transaction Processing) ... with up to 5,000 users on one machine and 5,700 users on another.
Suggest your own success story.
Host-Based Qedit Tips
Redo Shortcuts
As you are no doubt aware, Qedit supports MPE-style Redo, Listredo and Do commands,
and it now allows you to use a permanent file for your redo stack.
However, did you know that you have easy and quick access to your redo commands
via shortcut characters:
Comma: | , | means Redo
CommaComma: | ,, | means Listredo |
CommaDot: | ,. | means Redo |
And you can put a word after the shortcut to search for it
(e.g.: ",,splash" means "Listredo splash").
Internet Tips
Here is an extract: The solution is integrated with an HP e3000 mainframe system that
hosts LTG's LicenseLink application.
Each LTG client has access to
a uniquely customized version of eContract running OrderChannel
on its own server farm.
Robelle Solutions Technology Inc. provides the
What's Up, DOCumentation? newsletter as a service to our customers.
The newsletter is available on the web:
in HTML format for browsing and PDF format for
Visit www.robelle.com/library/newsletter/
Comments about this issue, as well as ideas for future issues,
including news, tips, and suggestions for articles, can be sent to bgreen@robelle.com.