Recent News and Tips
From NY Times via the ACM Tech News:
"California software engineers Layne Holt and John Furrier are taking aim at cable and phone companies by using the 802.11b, or Wi-Fi, standard to make consumer broadband access available widely and cheaply."
Here is a Suptool tip: you don't need Quiz to do multi-dataset links. You can use Tables
(or use Suprlink for even faster performance).
now support the HP Eloquence database in its ODBC, JDBC and MIddleman products.
HP has moved the industry-standard tracert utility into general release for HP 3000 systems.
Suprtool can be very useful in checking the business rules of an application. These rules are usually validated in the data entry programs but sometimes “stuff happens”. (From the Robelle Tech column.)
"We use Suprtool to migrate data from the HP3000 IMAGE databases to ASCII text files which are then imported into Oracle, Excel, or Access databases on the UNIX and NT server platforms. Using Suprtool to do the data extraction for this conversion is fast and flexible without taking a lot of the HP3000 resources." -
Stella Leong, Programmer/Analyst, California Teachers Association
Benefits of Suprtool in a Conversion:
Convert data efficiently
· Export to other platforms and applications: UNIX, NT, PC the Internet and Intranet.
· Verify data accuracy quickly. Save hours of time in finding invalid data.
· Quick listing of extracted data complete with counts, totals and headings.
· Merge information from multiple data sets.
"…I am loath to work on an HP3000 that doesn't have Suprtool. The hours, if not weeks and months, Suprtool has saved me over the years makes it a real bargain in my book…."
Dave Kalb, Total Bank Technology Solution, Inc.
A news report from the 3000 NewsWire:
Eloquence is “an invaluable tool for HP e3000 transition projects for small to mid-range customers,” HP Webcast host George Stachnik said in the most recent registration call for the company’s migration education broadcasts. “HP Eloquence has been evaluated by HP and its SIG Softvend partners, and technically endorsed by SIG IMAGE’s IMAGE/SQL Advisory Committee (ISAC).”
If you have ever been confused by a shortint versus an integer*2, here is a useful
table of MPE languages and number sizes (from Robelle's
HP Encyclopedia).
Did you know that you can sub-total data with Suprtool, as well as determining how many records made up that total? For example, we can total the number of products sold by product and also total the dollars for each product. Click the link above
for details.
The 3000 NewsWire interviews the head of VESoft,
creators of MPEX, Security/3000 and VEAudit. Recommended reading.
Our NewsWire column for June is about converting
MPE datatypes to Oracle format, and various problems you may run into.
In response to a support question, François Desrochers wrote two command files
to list or edit a fileset from within host-based Qedit.The link above explains the list/search
command file, which then links to the description of the edit command file at the end.
The latest "What's Up, Documentation?" newsletter from Robelle is
now available for web browsing.
Here is what you will find:
- Robelle's top ten support questions
- Syntax coloring in Qedit for Windows
- Some details on how Robelle ported Qedit for HP3000 to HP-UX.
- eXegeSys (ERP) and AMISYS (health care) have selected migration
partners to port their respective applications to other platforms.
- A NewsWire TestDrive report: get insights into HP's new Software
Inventory Utility (SIU).
- Check out an article from the first issue of the Journal of Object
The Deplorable State of Class Libraries.
- and more...
Click the link above for the latest issue.
Since you can now get a raid configuration for your desktop PC for less than $2000, with error-correcting memory as well,
this is a good time to get up to date on the technology of redundant disk drives.
Ifrom Ars Tehnica).
When you migrate an application to a new platform, you will be doing an unusual amount of text editing!
Qedit for Windows provides one standard Windows interface for both HP-UX and MPE files - no need to learn obscure vi commands for HP-UX editing.
Click the link above for four more benefits.
... according to researchers DH Brown Associates Inc after a painstaking series of like-for-like functional comparisons.
From Robelle's HP Encyclopedia,
tips on how to debug computer programs.
If I have a really complex IF selection criteria, longer than Suprtool's maximum command length
of 256 characters, what do I do?
Excellent article by Jakob Nielsen, usability expert.
Here are the top ten questions answered by our
tech support department.
Archived News and Tips...
HP 3000 Book
HP 3000 Evolution:
Edited by
Bob Green of Robelle, from articles written by Robelle,
by The 3000 Newswire, and by other
experts in the HP 3000 field.
This 300-page book contains the latest information on three important
HP 3000 Tune Up
Migrating a 3000 application.