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Qedit Open Prod-Release
Installation Instructions

You may want to print this page, for reference.

FTP upload of binary file

Once you have downloaded the binary file to your PC, you need to upload it to the your Linux server. Using your favorite FTP utility, connect as root, and use a binary transfer to PUT the file to the HP-UX server.

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.
C:\Download>ftp dev.robelle.com
Connected to dev.robelle.com.
220 HP ARPA FTP Server 
User (dev.robelle.com:(none)): root
31 Password required for root.
230 User root logged on
ftp> binary
200 Type set to I.
ftp> cd /tmp
ftp> put qotarprod.gz
ftp> quit
221 Server is closing command connection

Preparing for Install

Backup the Account (Optional)

You can save your current files in the /opt/robelle account using the following steps.

Logon as root.
su -
tar cvf robbackup /opt/robelle/*

Installing the Software

Once you have the file on your Linux Box, you need to install it:

  1. Restore the getid Utility.
  2. Send ifconfig and getid output to Robelle.
  3. Restore the software once you receive your codes.
  4. Apply the license codes.

Restore the files

Logon as root and cd to /tmp.

su -
cd /tmp

Gunzip the download:

gunzip qotarprod.gz

Please note that some versions of browsers gunzip the file while you are downloading the file. A guide may be that if the file is less than 3Mb it has NOT be gunzipped, but over 7Mb then the file has been gunzipped and the gunzip step does not need to be done. You may receive this error message when trying the gunzip:

gunzip: qotarprod.gz: not in gzip format

Create the directory where the Qedit files will reside. Obviously if the directory already exists then there is no need to make the directory.

mkdir /opt/robelle

Unpack the Getid Utility:

In order to send you proper codes we need two pieces of information, the output from the getid utility and output from ifconfig:

Unpack and run the GetId utility:

cd /opt/robelle
tar xvf /tmp/qotarprod bin/getid
Send the output from ifconfig and bin/getid to support@robelle.com. Once Robelle gets this information we can generate codes for you. We will send you codes as soon as they are generated, once you receive the codes you can continue on with the rest of the install:

Unpack the Robelle files and apply the license:

While logged on as root:

cd /opt/robelle
tar xvf /tmp/qotarprod
cd bin

You can now run Qedit and you should test that Qedit runs by doing:

Exit gets you out of Qedit.


Qedit/Open on Red Hat (and other Linux platforms), relies on the 32-bit libc environment. If you don't have this installed you will likely see the error below:
# ./qedit
-bash: ./qedit: /lib/ld-linux.so.2: bad ELF interpreter: No such file or directory
yum install ld-linux.so.2
So far this is the solution that we've found to work best.


If Qedit runs and you like to keep things clean like we do, we recommend that you remove the tar file with:
	rm /tmp/qotarpre


As this product is currently a Beta release please send any feedback to neil@robelle.com.