Robelle Here To Stay

Organized for the Future

Press Release
- Surrey, BC, Canada; Sept 15, 2002

Question: How long will Robelle support the HP 3000?

Answer: As long as our customers are using the HP 3000.

Although we ported our products to HP-UX ten years ago, we are primarily known as HP 3000 experts. We continue to update our MPE products and add new features. For example, just recently we added a new "Clean data" function to Suprtool.

HP has announced the end of 2006 as the retirement date for the HP 3000, but we see no reason why customers cannot continue to run valuable MPE applications past that date, and we will continue to support them.

When our customers do decide to migrate an application to HP-UX, we are ready: our products are running, tested, and supported on HP-UX too.

Robelle is committed to servicing the 3000 market, as well as the segment that migrates to HP-UX, with current and continually enhanced solutions. We will support Suprtool and Qedit for many years to come. Robelle has the resources to do it. We have streamlined the company and our business processes to better enable us to service your changing needs at the highest service standards.

We know that MPE sites are evaluating their options. If you migrate your application from MPE to HP-UX, many things will be different and disturbing, but at least one can be reassuring, dependable, and familiar: Suprtool.

Suprtool runs on HP-UX - and has done for 10 years!

And Suprtool/UX works with Oracle, and Eloquence (the IMAGE-lookalike database).

You can convert your custom Suprtool jobs from MPE to HP-UX - this one part of your conversion will be straightforward. If you need help with other aspects of an HP-UX migration, check our Migration Web Center,


We are putting even more emphasis on information sharing in an effort to keep in tune with your changing needs and provide you with the latest information.

We're continually researching various sources and updating our website with industry software tips, information resources and happenings of interest to the HP/Robelle customer. Whether you need to answer questions about Qedit and Suprtool, boost your MPE and HP-UX skills or hear about the latest happenings in the 3000 world, the Robelle sites have something for you.

Daily News - Migration Resources - HP-UX for MPE Users
White Papers - Product Manuals -Training Courses - HP Encyclopedia on MPE/ HP-UX - Technical Tips - Downloadable Product Updates & Demos - Links to HP 3000 and HP 9000 Resources - Newsletters -- Directory of Consulting Services for HP 3000 & Robelle Products - Tutorials likeā€¦Speeding up Quiz using Suprtool, IMAGE Internals & Performance, Transforming TurboIMAGE Data.

Continual Product Enhancement

Robelle is proud to be the leader in successfully integrating Eloquence into its product, opening up migration options for TurboIMAGE users. We are committed to staying current with the latest version of Eloquence and keeping Suprtool for HP-UX the leader in Eloquence data access.

Just because HP is retiring MPE, does not mean that we have stopped work on it. Quite the contrary! We have been busy enhancing Suprtool on MPE (and HP-UX) instead of whining. Many new functions are released or in the works:

  • Clean command removes non-printing characters like LF from your Export files.
  • $Counter assigns a unique id to every output record.
  • $Total inserts running totals for a numeric field into your output records.
  • Tables have been made much faster.
  • You can now extract a field from a Table by key and use it to update records.
  • String expressions, persistent Redo, $Days and $Truncate functions...

Robelle has been busy and we plan to stay busy.

Tailored Migration Solutions

Robelle offers a clear path for companies migrating data from MPE to HP-UX. We converted our products to work on HP-UX over 10 years ago and our team has built up significant expertise and experience in supporting the platform. Whether you want to do gradual, step-by-step migration over time, or a quicker migration from MPE to HP-UX, we can cater to your specific needs.

Robelle is here to stay with the HP 3000 market and we're working hard at developing and delivering solutions that will address your evolving needs.

If you have interest in learning more about our products visit or contact Tammy at (or call 1-888-762-3553 between 7am and 3pm Pacific Time).


Suprtool is a trademark of Robelle Solutions Technology Inc. Other products and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.

Press Release Contact:
Bob Green
Robelle Solutions Technology Inc.
13711 - 72nd Ave Suite 372
Surrey, BC Canada V3W 2P2
Tel: (604) 582-1700